Usually when you set an image as wallpaper, then depending on the size of the screen on which the image will be truncated to get a most appropriate size.
But now with the application "Full size Wallpaper" image will no longer be truncated when installed as wallpaper but still get the best fit.
In addition to not change the wallpaper in a long time will cause the monotonous and boring.
"Full size Wallpaper" supply giving you the ability to automatically change the wallpaper after a preset time help you to always refresh your wallpaper
The application cost you very little battery power.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">通常,当您将图像设置为墙纸,则根据其上的图像将被截断,以获得最合适的尺寸屏幕的大小。
该应用程序花费你很少的电池电量。</div> <div class="show-more-end">